Alright, now that we've gone through that quick photoshop lesson (if you haven't you should watch it) so let's try it out! Basically it teaches the ol distort tool, the ultimate tool that lets you place any flat object on any other flat object realistically*.
So lets take a looksee at a photo shall we? What image should we use for this exercise, well i want something that has a vehicle in it, and so what better source can we get for vehicles than, THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS.
Here we have baddass Vin Diesel. Look at him, lookin all cool and shit. He's all like "hey dude, you checkin out my ride? well get lost retard, coz me n my biceps are too cool for the likes of you, i'm gonna take off now in my all American gas guzzler, see ya sucka!"
Well, now i don't know about you but i've about had it up to here with his attitude, so let's photoshop his ass. Let's place a little something something all over his windows.
Well well well, not so high and mighty now are you Vin? Now he just looks like a douchebag trying to figure out how to parallel park on the wrong side of the street. (Some might argue he looked like a douchebag from the beginning, but that's besides the point) Anyway, photoshop done!
*not really that realistic, really.
eh vin my idol wei >:|